This widget displays the scale of an axis expressed as color variations.
Attributes brief detailed show all inherited
- <!-- a parameter holding frequencies -->
- <PARAM id="frequencies" min="0" max="24000" default="0" />
- <!-- some control for fun -->
- <ROW spacing="10">
- <PARAM_TEXT_CONTROL param_id="color_scale_1.zoom" content="zoom: {value}"/>
- <PARAM_TEXT_CONTROL param_id="color_scale_1.offset" content="offset: {value}"/>
- <PARAM_LINK from="color_scale_1.zoom" to="ruler_1.zoom" />
- <PARAM_LINK from="color_scale_1.offset" to="ruler_1.offset" />
- </ROW>
- <!-- color scale -->
- <COLOR_SCALE id="color_scale_1" param_info_id="" height="15" width="450" response_curve="log" positions_count="20" low_color="#FF0000" high_color="#0000FF" />
- <!-- text ruler -->
- <RULER id="ruler_1" orientation="horizontal" height="50" width="450" value_suffix="false" param_info_id="" color="#999999" value_format=".0" content="{value}" positions_count="21" font_escapement="90" text_h_align="right" v_offset="5" response_curve="log" />